• Severe Snow Storms Preparedness

  • Winter weather related Warnings, Watches and Advisories are issued by your local National Weather Service office. Each office knows the local area and will issue Warnings, Watches or Advisories based on local criteria. For example, the amount of snow that triggers a “Winter Storm Warning” in the Northern Plains is typically much higher than the amount needed to trigger a “Winter Storm Warning” in the Southeast.
    Here are some more key terms to understand:
    • Freezing Rain: Rain that freezes when it hits the ground; creating a coating of ice on roads, walkways, trees and power lines.
    • Sleet: Rain that turns to ice pellets before reaching the ground. Sleet also causes moisture on roads to freeze and become slippery.
    • Wind Chill: A measure of how cold people feel due to the combined effect of wind and cold temperatures; the Wind Chill Index is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin. Both cold temperatures and wind remove heat from the body; as the wind speed increases during cold conditions, a body loses heat more quickly. Eventually, the internal body temperature also falls and hypothermia can develop. Animals also feel the effects of wind chill; but inanimate objects, such as vehicles and buildings, do not. They will only cool to the actual air temperature, although much faster during windy conditions.
  • Winter Warnings & Watch

    1. –Warnings: Take Action!

      Winter weather related Warnings, Watches and Advisories are issued by your local National Weather Service office. Each office knows the local area and will issue Warnings, Watches or Advisories based on local criteria. For example, the amount of snow that triggers a “Winter Storm Warning” in the Northern Plains is typically much higher than the amount needed to trigger a “Winter Storm Warning” in the Southeast.

      Blizzard Warnings are issued for frequent gusts greater than or equal to 35 mph accompanied by falling and/or blowing snow, frequently reducing visibility to less than 1/4 mile for three hours or more. A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely, leading to whiteout conditions making travel extremely difficult. Do not travel. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle and wait for help to arrive.

      Winter Storm Warnings are issued for a significant winter weather event including snow, ice, sleet or blowing snow or a combination of these hazards.  Travel will become difficult or impossible in some situations. Delay your travel plans until conditions improve.

      Ice Storm Warnings are usually issued for ice accumulation of around 1/4 inch or more. This amount of ice accumulation will make travel dangerous or impossible and likely lead to snapped power lines and falling tree branches. Travel is strongly discouraged.

      Wind Chill Warnings are issued for a combination of very cold air and strong winds that will create dangerously low wind chill values. This level of wind chill will result in frostbite and lead to hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Avoid going outdoors and wear warm protective clothing if you must venture outside. See the NWS Wind Chill Chart.

      Lake Effect Snow Warnings are issued when widespread or localized lake induced snow squalls or heavy showers are expected to produce significant snowfall accumulation. Lake effect snow usually develops in narrow bands and impacts a limited area. These bands can produce very heavy snow with sudden restrictions in visibility. Driving conditions may become hazardous at times.

    2. Watches: Be Prepared
      Winter Storm Watches are issued when conditions are favorable for a significant winter storm event (heavy sleet, heavy snow, ice storm, heavy snow and blowing snow or a combination of events.)
      Wind Chill Watches are issued when there is the potential for a combination of extremely cold air and strong winds to create dangerously low wind chill values.
    3. Advisories: Be Aware

      Winter Weather Advisories are issued when snow, blowing snow, ice, sleet, or a combination of these wintry elements is expected but conditions should not be hazardous enough to meet warning criteria.  Be prepared for winter driving conditions and possible travel difficulties. Use caution when driving.

      Wind Chill Advisories are issued when low wind chill temperatures are expected but will not reach local warning criteria. Extremely cold air and strong winds will combine to generate low wind chill readings. If you must venture outdoors, take precautions against frostbite and hypothermia. See the NWS Wind Chill Chart.

      Lake Effect Snow Advisory are issued for widespread or localized lake effect snowfall accumulation (and blowing snow) remaining below warning criteria. Expects lake effect snow showers and assume travel will be difficult in some areas. Some localized snow bands will be intense enough to produce several inches in a few areas with sudden restrictions in visibility.


    Adding Layers Will Help Keep You Warm as the Temperature Drops


    • 1 - 2 Layers
    • Wear an Outer Layer to keep out wind, rain.
    • Long Layers
    • Warm Shoes (Water Proof)

    • Warm Hat
    • 2 - 3 Layers
    • Out Layer to Keep out Wind, Wet Snow
    • Gloves
    • 1 - 2 Long Layers
    • Boots (Water Proof)

    • Warm Hat
    • 3+ Layers at least 1 insulating
    • Face Cover
    • Gloves
    • Out Layer to Keep out Wind
    • 2+ Long Layers
    • Boots Water Proof
  • Prepare! Don't Let Winter Storm Take You by Surprise

    1. –At Home and Work

      Your primary concerns at home or work during a winter storm are loss of heat, power and telephone service and a shortage of supplies if storm conditions continue for more than a day. In either place, you should have available:

      • Flashlight and extra batteries

      • Battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio and portable radio to receive emergency information

      • Extra food and water such as dried fruit, nuts, granola bars and other food requiring no cooking or refrigeration.

      • Extra prescription medicine

      • Baby items such as diapers and formula

      • First-aid supplies 

      • Heating fuel: refuel before you are empty; fuel carriers may not reach you for days after a winter storm

      • Emergency heat source: fireplace, wood stove or space heater properly ventilated to prevent a fire

      • Fire extinguisher, smoke alarm; test smoke alarms monthly to ensure they work properly

      • Extra pet food and warm shelter for pets

      • Review generator safety: Never run a generator in an enclosed space

      • Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working correctly and that the outside vent is clear of leaves and debris. During or after the storm, make sure it is cleared of snow.

      • Home fires are common each winter when trying to stay warm. Review ways to keep your home and loved ones safe.

    2. –In Vehicles

      Each year, on average, more than 5,000 people are killed and more than 418,000 are injured due to weather-related vehicle crashes. If you need to drive in snow or cold conditions, TAKE IT SLOW IN THE SNOW. Black ice can be difficult to see. If the temperature is near freezing, drive like you're on ice--you may be!

      Before you leave the house, especially before a longer trip in winter, make sure all fluid levels are full and ensure that the lights, heater and windshield wipers are in proper condition. Keep your gas tank near full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Avoid traveling alone. Let someone know your timetable and primary and alternate routes. Then call 511 for the latest traffic and road incidents, including construction and weather conditions and restrictions. Every state offers this Department of Transportation service. Call before you leave; it might change your plans!

      • Fully check and winterize your vehicle before the winter season begins. Carry a Winter Storm Survival Kit that includes the following:

        • Mobile phone, charger, batteries
        • Blankets/sleeping bags
        • Flashlight with extra batteries
        • First-aid kit
        • Knife
        • High-calorie, non-perishable food
        • Extra clothing to keep dry
        • Large empty can to use as emergency toilet, tissues, toilet paper and paper towels
        • Small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water
        • Sack of sand or cat litter for traction
        • Shovel
        • Windshield scraper and brush
        • Tool kit
        • Tow rope
        • Battery booster cables
        • Water container
        • Candle and matches to provide light and in an emergency, lifesaving heat.
        • Compass and road maps, don't depend on mobile devices with limited battery life
    3. –On the Farm, Pet Owners

      Move animals to sheltered areas or bring pets inside. Shelter belts, properly laid out and oriented, are better protection for cattle than confining shelters, such as sheds.

      • Haul extra feed to nearby feeding areas.
      • Have water available. Most animals die from dehydration in winter storms.
      • Make sure pets have plenty of food and water and a warm shelter.
  • Caution! Winter Storm Dangers Linger

    1. –Stay Informed

      Stay tuned to your local news for updated information on road conditions.

      • Check with your local water company to ensure water is safe to drink, cook and clean with after a major winter storm.
      • Check with utility companies to find out when electricity or gas services may be restored.
      • Before you drive your car, take time to ensure your exhaust pipe is clear.
      • Brush all the snow off the car so it doesn't fall on your windshield while you are driving or fly onto other cars, causing an accident.
      • Leave extra time for blocked, closed or icy roads.
    2. –Avoid Flooded Roads and Heed Road Danger Signs

      Standing water hides many dangers including toxins and chemicals. There may be debris under the water and the road surface may have completely collapsed beneath the water.

      • If it is likely your home will flood, don't wait to be ordered to leave; evacuate when you know you are danger! Make alternative plans for a place to stay with a relative or friend. If you have pets, take them with you or make arrangements to board them at a facility well away from the flooding danger. Many hotels will take pets but check for options during dry weather.
      • Road closure, cones, sawhorses and other cautionary signs are put in place for your safety. Pay attention to them!
    3. –Check Your Home, Contact Family and Isolated Neighbors

      Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms when areas dealing with power outages.

      • Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage. Review generator safety
      • Let your family and close friends know that you’re okay so they can help spread the word. Register with American Red Cross’s Safe and Well listings. You can use this resource to search missing friends and relatives as well.
    4. –Roadway Hazards After a Winter Storm

      Black ice is patchy ice on roadways that cannot easily be seen. Even if roadways have been cleared of snow following a storm, any water left on the roadways may freeze, resulting in a clear sheet of ice, also known as black ice. It is most dangerous in the early morning due to below freezing nighttime temperatures.

      • Potholes are a common road hazard following winter precipitation and can be difficult to see and can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Be sure to report potholes to your county or local Department of Transportation.